Whole Foods Market
Tenleytown, Washington, DC
For the first time since the Dilettante Club began, we were down a member for the evening's activity. Nicole was sick and (sadly) could not make it.
The cooking demonstration at Whole Foods was very informational -- even those among us who don't own microplanes to grate nutmeg found a few useful tips on the 3-item menu that was presented (spanikopita, tahini salad and grilled pineapple). Plus, the woman who taught the course was cooking-show watchable. Not only did she know her stuff and give good tips and make it all seem easy...she was lovely and made it all very interesting. And at the end, we got to sample everything on the menu.
Whole Foods provided recipe cards, note pads, re-usuable shopping bags and bottled water for this class -- nice touch.
Evening ended at Guapo's for some Mexican food. Because we missed Nicole, we drew an extremely life-like rendering of her to pose as a stand-in. Our adorable Columbian waiter was fun enough to ask if she wanted to order anything.